Clinics We Offer

The following clinics are run either by a doctor or nurse:
Wednesday AM (including maternity services).
Long Term Conditions
Living with a long-term condition ("chronic disease") can be difficult for some, but our aim is to guide and support all of our patients through their journey.
Our nursing team offer regular clinics in:
- COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Asthma
- Diabetes
- Hypertension - high blood pressure
- Heart Disease
- Stroke / TIA - transient ischaemic attack, or "mini-stroke"
- Atrial Fibrillation - a type of irregular heart beat
- Mental Health
- Epilepsy
- Chronic Kidney Disease
These clinics are by appointment only with the Practice Nurse; blood tests and other tests required for your chronic disease management will be undertaken by the practice Healthcare Assistant and Phlebotomist.
Invitations concerning the Chronic Disease Management Clinic will be sent out to those applicable as a reminder for annual monitoring. These invitations serve as a reminder and we urge you to contact the surgery at your earliest convenience to book any required blood tests and monitoring appointments in the clinics.
Immunisation & Vaccination
Every day (including child immunisation)
Minor Surgery
Over 75 Health Check
Stop Smoking Clinics "Time to Quit Team"
Well Woman
Daily (including cervical cytology)

Nurse Clinics
The nurse is also available by appointment for consultations regarding minor ailments, dressings, removing stitches, cervical smears, pill checks, health checks, travel advice, holiday vaccinations and general advice.
The nurse can also assist you if you are due for your medication review/asthma or diabetic checks.
Health Care Assistant
Our HCA can assist you for your health checks - monitoring your weight, blood pressure and taking blood samples.